关于IWC万国表 & 研讨会

无论你是初学者, 一个专家, 或者介于两者之间, 寻找小说, 诗歌, 非小说类的, 我们很有可能为你开设课程或研讨会. 继续阅读,了解IWC万国表课程和研讨会. 如果你有问题,不要犹豫,尽管亚洲体育博彩平台.

关于IWC万国表 & 研讨会

The 印第安纳作家中心 offers a variety of courses in all genres of 写作, varying in length from a single session to an eight-week course. Staples of our curriculum include introduction to 小说, 短篇小说写作, 诗歌研讨会, 小说工作坊和论文写作. In addition, we frequently offer additional workshops and classes in topics such as:

  • 专栏写作
  • 神秘的写作
  • 游记
  • 个人回忆录
  • 编辑校对
  • 商务写作
  • 得到发表
  • 和更多的!

如果你在我们的 课程目录,稍后再来查看。. 我们一直在增加新的课程和研讨会. 或者,如果你想让我们上什么课, 让我们知道. 我们欢迎你的建议.


Due to COVID19 restrictions classes and workshops are being offered virtually through Spring 2021, 甚至可能超越. Please note that the IWC offices are not open to the public during the pandemic. If you would like to schedule an appointment to speak with someone, please email mail@indiana作家.org.

Unless otherwise noted, all classes and workshops are held in the IWC classroom, located in the 环城工业综合体点击这里查看联系信息.

我们中心的中心位置, 在近东侧, 在环城工业园区, is easily accessible to people from all around 印第安纳波利斯. The CCIC is a thriving arts center with over 120 galleries, 在Mass Ave文化区附近, 以及新成立的10 East艺术设计区. 离州际公路只有几分钟的路程, and accessible by bike or by foot from Pogue’s Run Trail, 和莫农小径. A Pacers Bike Share hub is less than a block from our door. IndyGo公交线路停在我们的大楼前面. 我们在CCIC停车场有免费停车位.


It is our expectation that all meetings and events sponsored by 印第安纳作家中心 are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Taking care to create an accessible event benefits not only individuals with visible or known disabilities, but also helps to ensure that all participants/attendees, including individuals with non-obvious disabilities and/or chronic health conditions, 所有年龄和体型的人, 是否能够全身心地投入到项目中. For questions, concerns, or requests regarding access, please email sarah@indiana作家.Org,或使用我们的 联系 页面. We appreciate requests to be made at least seven days in advance.

We have over an acre of free parking, with handicap parking, and an access ramp at our entrance. 没有台阶到我们的办公室和教室. There is an elevator in our lobby for special events in the gallery.


Online registration, membership purchases, and membership renewals is preferred. 由于covid - 19,工作人员远程工作. Online registration is the fastest and most effective way to ensure that you are signed up! We offer online registration and payment for all our classes and workshops. When you find a class you like in the 课程目录, click the title or picture. 这将带你到一个完整的课程总结. 网上注册, add the class to your cart and proceed to checkout to pay online when you are ready. 如果您想用现金或支票支付课程费用, you may download and print our registration form and mail it with your payment. It may take longer to process your payment, due to the COVID19 pandemic. 邮寄表格及付款至:


If you are interested in a class or workshop, we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible. Our instructors require a minimum number of registrations for each class. You will receive a prompt refund of your payment if a class is canceled.

欢迎最后一分钟的报名和预约, people are sometimes disappointed to learn that a class has been canceled for lack of enrollment by the time they decide to attend. Many times a single registration can make the difference between a class being held or being cancelled, so please help us by signing up for a class at least 5 days before it is scheduled to occur.

NOTE: 类 are removed from the website when they are canceled or filled to capacity.

查看我们的完整 班级注册政策 for information about withdrawing, cancellations, and more.


谁应该参加我们的研习班? 每一个人.  写作是件苦差事. 这需要耐心和练习. That’s why we offer classes and workshops for 作家 at every level, from those who’ve never set pen to paper to published 作家 who want some hands-on critique and feedback with peers. While many of our courses are designed to fit the needs of all type of 作家, our 课程目录 is also searchable by level: beginner, 中级及高级.


初学者 level classes are designed to help you get started with your 写作 project, 要么是构思, 理解体裁和写作元素, 或者只是为了更好地了解自己作为一个作家.


中间 workshops build on skills developed in beginner level courses, 帮助作家更充分地发掘自己的声音. These workshops are great for 作家 who already have personal 写作 projects in process.


先进的 workshops delve deeper into the craft of 写作. 这些工作坊都是实践性的, requiring a greater level of participation and commitment from attendees. They sometimes require submission of manuscripts or other materials in advance.


质量: Our faculty is comprised of university professors and seasoned, professional 作家 across many disciplines who are passionate about teaching. 查看我们的教学人员的完整列表.

值: As a nonprofit organization, the IWC’s operating costs are supported by donations and grants. This allows us to keep our costs low and our classes more accessible to the community. Many of our students find our classes and workshops to be more affordable (especially at the discounted 成员率) than those offered at local colleges and universities, without sacrificing the quality of content or instruction.

灵活性 & 专注: Our courses don’t operate on a one-size-fits-all schedule. We offer long classes (4 sessions or more) and short classes (1-3 sessions), 晚上和周末, 所以你可以选择适合你的时间表. +, 我们的许多课程都非常注重悬疑写作, 发展中角色, flash小说, 等.) so you can really dig into the topic you’re interested in.

我们一直在更新我们的 课程目录 提供广泛的课程和工作坊. 对IWC万国表课程和工作坊仍有疑问? 或者,不知道你想要什么? 回头查看,或 告诉我们你在找什么.


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