One 剧作家 per event: full-length plays
IPC的所有现有成员每年都可以读一次表,这是其常规会员资格的一部分, pending availability. There is one table reading per month, with additional readings a month able to be requested, 但不能保证, based on facilitator schedule. 非会员可以花50美元安排一次餐桌阅读,费用可以通过IPC网站支付. 在进一步通知之前,为应对当前的大流行,所有表读数将是虚拟的. IPC将随着时间的推移重新评估,但此时不保证任何现场读数. 看到IPC的 Virtual Event Policy.
Determining Eligibility
Due to the increased number of requests and growth in IPC, 在安排读表之前,需要做以下准备(建议所有学生和学生都这样做) 要求 对非成员国):
A 10-minute sample of your work must be brought to 现场晚上 以帮助IPC团队确定表读取是否是该片段的最佳下一步. (现场晚上 is free for members and $10 for non-members.)
If our Table Read Coordinator cannot attend the 现场晚上, the 现场晚上 facilitator will connect with them afterward.
If after the 现场晚上 reading, the work is determined to be ready for a table reading, the date will be confirmed. This is when payment will be due for non-members.
If after the 现场晚上 reading, 这项工作决定更好地受益于其他发展步骤, 表读协调员将与反馈和其他可能的步骤联系. This may include additional submissions to 现场晚上, private coaching suggestions, additional review/editing, 等.
What an IPC Table Reading Is and Is Not
用IPC读表是戏剧发展周期的最后步骤之一. However, every piece’s creative journey is different. 在进行分阶段阅读之前,一篇文章最好是通过多个表阅读来发展的,这并不罕见, 在戏剧开发周期中,哪一步是制作前的“最后”步骤. 事实上, 在其成长过程中,work多次触及表读取步骤是非常常见的. 考虑到这一点,我们想概述一下IPC表读取是什么和不是什么:
The play is complete and has no missing scenes or acts.
This is likely NOT the very first draft of the play, 而是一个格式正确、相对没有拼写错误和语法错误的更完善的版本. The play is expected to be in draft form, 但人们预计,这位剧作家已经做出了一些努力,为读者整理了一份干净的副本.
Table Reading Expectations and Responsibilities
现在你已经安排好了你的读表时间并且已经确认了, 请参阅以下内容,以便您可以最好地为您的角色和职责以及IPC协调人的职责做好准备. 请记住,IPC是由一群志愿者运营的,所以请尊重他们的时间和才能.
Playwright Responsibilities
Send a completed draft of the script, along with a cast of characters (including doubling suggestions), 和头像. These items are due 3 weeks prior to the reading.
An important note on doubling我们要求对任何作品(即使需要少于6名演员)进行评估,以获得加倍的亚洲体育博彩平台. Even if it would not work in a true production, please understand this is NOT a production, it is a development opportunity. 一个只在一个场景中出现的角色可能是至关重要的,并且在制作中与其他角色分开是很重要的, 但是对于阅读来说, it is perfectly acceptable to be doubled. 我们要求你加倍努力,尽量把你的剧本减少到6个或更少的演员. There are times that may not be possible, 但我们相信,这种尝试为剧作家提供了很好的锻炼. 我们要求你们尽可能精简演员阵容,以尊重他们的时间,并限制技术问题的风险.
剧作家同意推广他们的阅读,这样他们就可以从同龄人那里征求反馈, 朋友, 家庭, 或其他. Since this is not a performance, 本身, please explain to attendees that feedback would be appreciated. (请注意,并非所有的观众都能留下来观看反馈部分,他们可能会在线下与剧作家联系,表达自己的感受, 或者根本没有.)
IPC Facilitator Responsibilities
主持人将根据谁将在一部作品中扮演这些角色来进行朗读. The 剧作家 understands that on special occasions, 由于演员的可用性,可能会使用性别/种族/年龄盲选角.
演员们至少会在演出前一周拿到剧本, but this will be a cold reading. This offers a better developmental experience, because it shows actors’ first impressions to the work and roles.
IPC will promote the reading through their channels, 但这并不是要取代剧作家推广他们的作品和阅读的责任.
The facilitator will create the event, manage the Zoom call, and facilitate the actual reading including feedback. 目标是在阅读完成后的一小时内完成事件的反馈部分, ending the whole experience at 10pm, or earlier if possible.
After the Table Reading
After your incredible table reading has been completed, 主持人将开始下载和保存读表和聊天记录的过程. This file will only be saved for 2 months. In order to get the recording, 剧作家需要在这两个月内发送一个数字链接给调解人,以便调解人上传文件. Dropbox有免费的选项,但它绝不是唯一的选择. Playwright understands that whatever system they use, 他们需要发送一个链接,允许调解人上传而无需设置帐户. The coordinator can assist with suggestions and troubleshooting. 即使在阅读完成后,欢迎任何遗留的问题,关注或反馈.
Scheduling a Table Reading
给玛丽·卡蒂发邮件 indianapolism@gmail.com to begin the process or to ask any questions!
January – Nancy Temple, 这封信
February – Kate Duffy, It’s Always Something Father Ned
三月-博士. L. Jan Eira
四月——安·斯尼德, 奥古斯汀追求
May – Celeste Williams, 美国的流浪
六月- Paul K. 史密斯, The Women Who Fought Russia’s War
- January 31: Mark Harvey Levine, 保存哈姆雷特
- 2月25日:博士. L. Jan Eira 迫在眉睫的危险
- March 25: Casey Ross, 版权 安全
- 4月:推迟
- May 17: Janice Neal, That Day in February
- June 24: Julie Zaffarano, 在版面之上
- July 29: Judith Robinson, 亚洲体育博彩平台之鬼
- August 31: Marcia Eppich-Harris, 寻求尼采
- September 30: Susan Masters, 玫瑰盛开的地方
- October 28: Maripat Allen, 凡人之爱
- November 18: Casey Ross, Tortillo!
February 2020: Louis Janeira, 保持小
April 2020: Marcia Eppich-Harris, Seneca and the Soul of Nero; 特拉维斯麦克德蒙, D-Bag
May 2020: Enid Cokinos, 支持主
June 2020: Sam Hill, Troubled: A Play on Words
July 2020: Josie Gringrich, Glamma
August 2020: Michael Donohue, Moore or Less about NothingDecember 2020: Mary Karty, 你好,汤米
September 2020: Sondra Hayes, 闻所未闻的保证
October 2020: Andrew Black, What Same Sex Marriage Means to Me; Maripat Allen, The Would-Be Loves Website; Dr. L. Jan Eira The Freshman That Could
November 2020: 梅根·安·雅各布斯, 应对秋天; Laura Goodenow, 神圣的
September 2019: Marcia Eppich-Harris, 这个职业
October 2019: Celeste Williams, 印地赛车流浪
November 2019: Brandi Underwood and Joe Barsanti, Our Father’s Treasure
December 2019: Kevin Green, 通知上升
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One 剧作家 per event: full-length plays
如果你有一份完整的剧本草稿,你就可以准备好让一整桌人来读了. 我们每月为会员举行读书会,先到先得. 电子邮件 梅根·安·雅各布斯, our table read coordinator, to set up a table read. She will cast the show and schedule the reading. 如果您没有收到确认,那就意味着您没有注册! 大流行期间, 所有的表读取都将通过Zoom在线进行,并将基于协调器进行调度, 剧作家, and actor availability.
问题? 电子邮件 印第安纳州 Playwrights Circle at ipcinfo@indiana作家.org.
December 2020: Mary Karty, 你好,汤米
November 2020: Laura Goodenow, 神圣的; 梅根·安·雅各布斯, 应对秋天
2020年10月:博士. L. Jan Eira The Freshman That Could
September 2020: Sondra Hayes, 闻所未闻的保证
August 2020: Michael Donohue, Moore or Less about Nothing
July 2020: Josie Gringrich, Glamma
June 2020: Sam Hill, Troubled: A Play on Words
May 2020: Enid Cokinos, 支持主
April 2020: Marcia Eppich-Harris, Seneca and the Soul of Nero; 特拉维斯麦克德蒙, D-Bag
February 2020: Louis Janeira, 保持小
December 2019: Kevin Green, 通知上升
November 2019: Brandi Underwood and Joe Barsanti, Our Father’s Treasure
October 2019: Celeste Williams, 印地赛车流浪
September 2019: Marcia Eppich-Harris, 这个职业